The Chinese national badminton team have completed 144 days of closed, intensive training at the Lingshui training camp. The players polished their skills and tactics, studied the tactics of opponents during the training camp, but most importantly have greatly enhanced their physical strength and stamina.

The most notable improvement was seen in He Bingjiao, who has shed a lot of weight and has become much fitter, and won the home tournament ahead of Chen Yu Fei.

Mixed double’s world No. 1 Huang Ya Qiong, who also won the home tournament, has made considerable improvement according to her own assessment. She commented, “As your strength and fitness improve, you can run more on the court and reach more shots. At the same time, I have made improvements in my skills, especially controlling the shuttle and blocking the shuttle in the net area, the defensive game has improved.”

“Some problems in the game appeared during the intra-team matches, but the feel of the game and the performance on the court were still good.”

Read the full story on Aiyuke.