Three-time world champion Carolina Marin is uncertain about her participation in the World Championships this year which will be held in her hometown, Huelva from December 12 next month.

After suffering a second serious knee injury and missing the Tokyo Olympics, Marin is yet to appear in an international tournament.

As reported by TVE, Marin said, β€œIt’s a dream come true (having the WC at home). It seemed like something far away, I’m already looking forward to being there and for the people to enjoy it a lot.”

She also said, β€œI’m happy with the recovery. I’ve been here for five months and we’re going slowly. Now there are only a few days left and if I’m not on the (right) track, I’ll be out (of the world championships). The most important thing is my health. And I will come back on the day when (I am in a position) to win the tournament.”

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