Flandy Limpele and Eng Hian, as players, won the men’s doubles bronze at the 2004 Athens Olympics. Now, as coaches, they have delivered success at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.

Limpele as the men’s doubles head coach of Malaysia managed to lead Aaron Chia and Soh Wooi Yik to a bronze medal, while Eng Hian as the women’s doubles head coach of Indonesia was instrumental in helping Greysia Polii and Apriyani Rahayu take the gold medal.

“It’s nice to see my partner and I having success as coaches in the same Olympics. I’m happy for him, he has done well as the women’s doubles coach,” said Limpele via The Star.

“I guess our low point in the past has also helped us to become better coaches. We are able to understand what the players go through when they are down. As coaches, the most important thing is to stand by our players, more so, when they are down,” he added.