Doctors have not yet cleared Denmark’s Sara Thygesen for competition and will miss out the European Mixed Team Championship (February 16-20). She was hit in the eye with a shuttlecock in Bangkok during the Toyota Thailand Open in January.

The accident happened during a fast net exchange against South Korea’s Kim So Yeong. It caused pressure build up and reddening in her left eye.

The doctors have reportedly asked her to stay calm to prevent any possible worsening of the injury and possible blood clot formation due to overworking of the eye. Badminton as a sport includes rapid eye movement to be able to follow the fast movement of the shuttlecock.

Through the Badminton Denmark official website, Thygesen said, “I would really like to have participated in the European Championships and represented Denmark. It’s always a big and cool group to be with. That being said, I take my eyesight seriously.”

Sara Thygesen helped Denmark win the European Mixed Team Championships in 2015 and 2017. She could not compete in the biennial championships in 2019 due to a knee injury.