“I wouldn’t know how to handle it if we have to go home and train remotely again,” said Soh Wooi Yik after the increase of Covid-19 infections in Malaysia. He appealed the public to be cautious in this dire time.

Through the NST, Soh said that the recent increase of Covid-19 infections in Malaysia was a call for concern and that the fight against the disease was not over.

Malaysia has recorded a total of 14,368 positive cases of Covid-19 and 146 deaths, as per Worldometer. The country was declared to be an emerging hotspot for Covid-19 in Asia by aa.com.tr.

Soh added that as a player he would not want to go into a second lockdown. He pleaded, “Please I beg everyone out there to follow the health and safety SOP (standard operating procedure). Let’s not mess this up again.”

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