On being called the Minions, they said, “Yeah, we don’t mind, it’s a little bit of fun.”

World No. 1s Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo and Marcus Fernaldi Gideon and world No. 2s Hendra Setiawan and Mohammad Ahsan have a lot of mutual respect. The pairs are adoringly called the Minions and the Daddies by their fans all over the world.

Through the Olympic Channel website, the pairs shared some of their thoughts and comments on each other’s strengths.

Different generations, compliment each other.

Even though they belong to different generations, both the pairs have achieved major successes for Indonesian badminton. But in terms of world titles, the Minions have not been able to match their seniors.

Hendra said the Minions were just unlucky when it came to World Championship titles and added, “I think, it’s still Kevin and Gideon who are still the best, but I think perhaps they have missed out on the [2019] world championships.”

Gideon said, “When you say, ‘the best men’s doubles in the world,’ there are surely better pairs than us.”

Head to head.

The Minions have a lead on the head to head record against the Daddies, 11-2.

Gideon commented, “If you look at the head-to-head, you might assume that we’ve unlocked the key to beating them. But each time we meet, they play differently, and also the venue is different, and the speed of the shuttlecock is different and that can play a big difference in influencing the outcome of the match.”

Kevin added: “They are very calm players. Their level of skills and calmness is extraordinary.”

What do the Daddies think about the Minion head-to-head lead?

Hendra said, “Maybe they play a faster game than us, because they are also much younger, so they are surely faster and more powerful.”

Ahsan mentioned that their strategy when they play their younger compatriots was to focus on the placement of the shuttle.

Daddies are a role model for the Minions.

Kevin: “ Yes, we all train together every day at the national team, and they are our role models as well. Before we were anything, they were already champions. So we look up to them.”

Marcus: “They do inspire us and they play very well and they have managed to maintain a high standard of playing for a long time, so we can learn a lot from them. It’s difficult to maintain a position in the top 5 for such a long time, and they have managed to do it.”