PBSI’s new Head of Development and Achievement, Rionny Mainaky, revealed that Japanese players are more disciplined in comparison to the Indonesians.

Mainaky was a coach in Japan for almost a decade, 2009 – 2019. During his time there, he was a coach at Unisys club and the Japanese national team. He was in charge of the men’s doubles discipline in the national team.

As quoted by Bolasport, the difference lies in mentality. According to him, the Japanese have a tougher mentality and a never-give-up spirit. “They (Japanese) are more disciplined. Then, about the spirit of never giving up, they are used to because they were trained since childhood in school.

“During the match, they also never feel panicked. Our (Indonesian) players are often impatient. So, like it or not, we have to practice this matter of patience.”

Mainaky also added that Japanese players were not afraid to voice their views and this encouraged them to do better. Apart from the tougher mentality, Mainaky said that the media also played a big part in encouraging the players.

“In Japan, for example, when a television journalist comes, the pictures that are shown are always good ones, which are encouraging. They also take the best pictures, like champions. All of this has an effect on increasing enthusiasm in training and matches.”